Doctor of Science in Computer Science Handbook

Advisory Board Information

Program Advisory Board

The program advisory board works with university officials to ensure that the program delivers learning that is up to date and relevant to current business, industry, labor, and professional employment practices. Here, the University official is Dr. Daniel Zimmerman, Dean of the School of Business and Technology. 

The goal of this advisory board is to aid and assist the University of the Aspen- School of Business and Technology with programmatic recommendations and to assist in the development of new programs and identify best-practice standards. Board members will serve as advisors to the program, providing a connection to and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with members of a broader society. The advisory board shall have no legal responsibilities and is formed to give advice and recommendations to the School Dean and/or representatives of the University.

  • Make recommendations to help assure that the program addresses the employment and educational needs of business, industry, labor, and/or the profession.
  • Realistically assess the labor market demand for program graduates.
  • Advise the program to ensure students graduate with the skills employers need.
  • Identify and present opportunities and/or host opportunities for student capstone projects or experiences.
  • Assess the currency of curriculum and teaching practices.
  • Provide feedback, advice, and/or help with a variety of program-driven tasks and/or projects.
  • Assist with program marketing and promotion.
  • Assist in the identification and recruitment of new board members.
  • Provide recommendations on topic presenters for advisory board meetings.

Advisory board members will represent a cross section of business, industry, labor, and/or the profession relevant to the academic program. A diversity of perspectives is an important aspect of the board's functioning. Diverse perspectives and experiences based on veteran status, gender, race, ethnicity, geographic location, age, and other related qualities will be an important aspect in selecting members. 


"The Mission of this Advisor Council is to help create industry ready programs and concentrations that are scalable, build skills sets, and enhance our students' learning and career prospects."